Are Your Books Reaching the World?

September 1, 2017
Ingram Staff
Are Your Books Reaching the World?

Do you have an inventory solution that allows you to respond to market developments and reversals while avoiding the expense of overstocking? Is your bookreaching readers across the globe? If not, our Global Connect print on demand program might be the perfect solution for you.

There are millions of English-readers all over the world, and each one is a potential customer. With Global Connect, you could tap into this source ofreadership -- and income -- with a comprehensive global distribution strategy to increase your title’s reach.

It is simple

With print on demand and Global Connect, reaching readers around the world is easier and faster than ever. Ingram's Global Connect program connects yourbooks to print channels all over the world. In addition to Ingram’s own print facilities in the US, UK, and Australia, you can take advantage of GlobalConnect partners in China, Germany, India, Italy, Poland, Russia, and South Korea, and put your book in the hands of readers across the globe.     

Get it to your customers ASAP

When you print to market you can avoid the delays that come with customs and/or shipping books across the seven seas. Have you ever shipped your booksoverseas? It can take weeks to finally reach your customers after it's sent across the Atlantic and (hopefully!) passed through a customs office. Don'tmake your readers wait. Ingram's Global Connect program will make your titles available in-market so readers and retailers can get your books in days instead of weeks.    

Your audience group is larger than you think

Millions of English readers call home to places where English is not the official language. There are 10 million English speakers in China and 300 millionmore who are learning English. Today, the English-language book market in Italy is worth more than $3.1 million. Not only do these readers want yourbooks but, a larger target audience could tremendously increase your sales.

Global Connect allows you to print in market and  put your books in the hands of readers in a matter of days. That's right -days, not weeks! Shipping delays? Customs issues? Security risks? No problem! Ingram's Global Connect program can help you avoid these issues and reachmore readers.


You have potential readers all over the world just waiting to read your book. Isn't it time you tapped into the global market? Let's talk!

Are Your Books Reaching the World?
Ingram Staff

Ingram Staff

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