Channel Partner Narratives: A Publisher's Guide

October 15, 2024
Ingram Associate
Channel Partner Narratives: A Publisher's Guide

In today’s crowded book market, finding ways to improve title discovery and boost sales is a constant challenge. Generic metadata and descriptions may not resonate with specific audiences, leading to missed opportunities. This is where the importance of channel partner narratives comes into play. Publishers can now benefit by tailoring their descriptions to better appeal to specific distribution channels, such as libraries, Amazon, and Edelweiss. Narratives is the first phase of  Channel Partner Metadata development, a new feature rollout to help publishers optimize discovery. Users are encouraged to share feedback and use cases to help us strengthen the utility of the tool over time.

The Value of Channel Partner Narratives

Traditionally, metadata distribution has been a one-size-fits-all approach, which might not fully address the preferences of diverse audiences. Each distribution channel has a unique set of expectations and characteristics, and the audiences for those channels have different needs. For instance, a description that appeals to an Amazon customer might not be as effective for an academic library. By customizing descriptions for each channel, publishers can better engage with their intended audience and improve title discovery.

CoreSource’s new feature allows publishers to create narratives for specific partners, enabling them to send tailored content to each distribution channel. This means that a publisher can now designate unique descriptions, reviews, and even marketing plans for individual retailers, library aggregators, or scholarly platforms, creating a more engaging experience for potential readers.

Benefits of Tailored Narratives for Different Channels

  1. Increased Relevance and Appeal: By providing descriptions that speak directly to the core interests of the audience for each channel, publishers increase the likelihood of catching the reader’s attention.
  2. Enhanced Discoverability: Custom narratives can be tailored to include keywords and phrases that are likely to resonate with a particular platform’s search algorithms.
  3. Higher Conversion Rates: With targeted narratives, the content can highlight different selling points that appeal to various types of readers. For example, a consumer might be more inclined to purchase a book on Amazon if the description emphasizes popular appeal, while a library patron might prefer information on the book's academic relevance.

How CoreSource Enables Custom Narratives

CoreSource offers an intuitive way to create and manage channel partner narratives. The platform lets publishers set up custom descriptive fields for each channel partner. This involves adding, modifying, and distributing metadata specific to each channel partner’s requirements.

Examples of Channel Partner Customization

One practical application is the ability to tailor narratives to highlight different features. For instance, if a title is a bestseller on Amazon, the narrative for Amazon can emphasize this accolade to boost consumer confidence.  

Publishers can include specific review quotes for particular regions or languages, making the content even more relevant to international markets. If a title has received high praise from a foreign reviewer, including that quote in the narrative for channels in that country will enhance the book’s appeal regionally without creating noise in irrelevant markets.

Implementing Channel Partner Narratives: Best Practices

  1. Understand Your Channels and Audiences: Different channels serve different audiences, and it’s essential to understand the preferences of each one.  
  2. Leverage Non-Standard Fields: CoreSource supports non-standard fields, which can be a valuable tool for channels like Edelweiss. By customizing fields such as key selling points and marketing plans, publishers make their titles stand out to booksellers and library selectors.
  3. Regularly Update and Review Content: Book markets evolve, and so do audience preferences. Regularly updating narratives ensures that they stay relevant.
  4. Utilize CoreSource’s Metadata Reports: CoreSource offers metadata reporting tools to review and adjust channel partner narratives with ease.

Q&A: Customizing Book Descriptions for Distribution Channels

Is this customization available for all book formats?
Yes, it is. This feature is available for all the primary content formats that you distribute through CoreSource, including print titles, eBooks, and audiobooks. However, it does not apply to elements like cover images that don't require metadata customization.

How will channel partners process this customized metadata?
CoreSource will send the metadata, including custom descriptions, to channel partners in ONIX format, which they will process as usual. The processing time will vary based on the partner's typical schedule for updating metadata or making a title live.

If I create an alternative description for a specific channel, will it override the default description for that channel?
Yes, when you create an alternative description for a specific channel, such as Amazon, that becomes the only description that channel will display. The default description will not be sent to Amazon in this case, only the customized narrative specified for that channel.

Do I need to select all channels if I want a description to go to every partner?
No. If you do not designate any specific channels, the description will automatically be treated as the default and will go to all channel partners that do not have a customized narrative.

Can I send multiple descriptions for the same channel?
No. Each channel can only receive one description per asset. The system has validation in place to prevent duplicate descriptions for the same channel partner.

Can I send channel partner narratives via ONIX, or must I use the UI or metadata template?
Channel partner narratives cannot be sent to CoreSource through ONIX since they are not part of the ONIX standard. You can supplement the ONIX metadata with channel partner narratives via the CoreSource UI or by using the metadata template for bulk updates.

How can I review all narratives for my assets, including default and channel partner ones?
The “metadata extract report” includes only the designated channel partner narratives, but if you want a complete view of both default and specific narratives, you should use the “asset descriptions report”. This report provides a comprehensive look at all narratives associated with an asset.  

How can I find the correct names for my distribution channels?
In the CoreSource UI, you can export a list of distribution channels, complete with names and formats. This will help you correctly fill out the metadata template for designating narratives to specific channels.

If I add a custom description for a channel, does it replace the main description?
Yes. Once a custom description is added for a channel, that specific description becomes the narrative that channel will receive. CoreSource determines which description to send based on channel designation or sends the defaults if no designation is present.

Can I remove a channel partner narrative using the channel partner template?
A: Yes, by updating the metadata template and omitting the narrative, you can effectively remove it from CoreSource. This method updates channel partner narratives without affecting the default description.

Is CoreSource considering expanding the range of metadata fields available for customization?
Yes, the team is actively gathering feedback to identify additional fields that could benefit from customization. Publishers are encouraged to share their insights and requests to help shape future developments.

Final Thoughts

In today’s competitive market, taking advantage of channel partner narratives can give book publishers an edge. By crafting descriptions that cater specifically to the needs of different distribution partners, publishers can significantly enhance the discoverability, appeal, and sales potential of their titles. CoreSource’s innovative approach to customizable metadata provides publishers with a practical and powerful tool to engage diverse audiences effectively. Whether the goal is to reach readers on retail platforms or connect with academic and library partners, channel partner narratives offer a strategic way to make each title stand out.

Channel Partner Narratives: A Publisher's Guide
Ingram Associate

Ingram Associate

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