Paid Advertising: Google Ads Explained

July 16, 2024
Ingram Associate
Paid Advertising: Google Ads Explained

When you're focusing on paid advertising to promote your book, one of the most important aspects is to choose the right platform. Naturally, you may want to be on more than one platform or experiment with some options, but your focus should be where readers can easily find you. Google Ads can help with that, because they're extremely useful due to the sheer number of people who use Google every day.

There are two main networks for these ads, which are the Search Network and the Display Network. Both options can be effective, and you can use one or both of them to get your book's information in front of readers who may be interested in your genre and niche. However, it's very important to have a good understanding of how these ad types are different and what you can expect from them. Here's what you'll want to think about.

Display Ads

Display ads are designed to help you place visually appealing ads onto a vast network of websites. They offer a broad reach, the ability to build brand awareness, and a way to target your audience based on demographics and interests. Having ads on websites has been commonplace for years now, and when you have quality ads in the right spaces they do get noticed. It's important to make sure your ads are relevant to the sites they're appearing on, though, to have a strong impact.

As with any ad type there are also some downsides to display ads. For example, there's a lower purchase intent compared to search ads, and a potentially lower click-through rate (CTR), as well. That can depend on ad placement, and every ad requires strong visuals and creative messaging to get noticed. In short, you want your ads to be high-quality and valuable to your target audience, and then placed on sites they're likely to visit.

If you do that you have a better chance of getting your ad noticed, but it's not a guarantee. People can still overlook your ad or ignore it, and a lot of people use ad blocking technology that stops ads from being shown on websites. That can contribute to a click-through rate you're not happy with, but that's not necessarily the case. Good ads on the right sites will still get noticed and can contribute to helping you get the increased readership you're looking for.

Search Ads

Search ads are different from display ads. At their core, they're designed to reach readers who are actively searching for relevant keywords. That can mean a more targeted audience, a higher purchase intent, and more measurable results. You'll be delivering your advertising to potential readers who have already started looking for something related to your book. While that doesn't mean they're specifically looking for a book about their search terms, the chances of them being interested are higher.

When you use search ads you also get the opportunity to measure metrics such as impressions, clicks, and conversions to see if you're catching the interest of potential readers or not. If your metrics aren't good that's a strong indication that there's something about your ad that's not enticing to readers. You may need to make changes to the ad itself or adjust the kinds of search terms the ad is tied to. A little effort can go a long way to really dial in an ad's impact.

Just like display ads, search ads also have cons that you want to be aware of before you start using them. These downsides include a potentially higher cost-per-click (CPC) depending on competition, along with the need for keyword research and optimization. In other words, you may pay more for these ads when someone clicks on them if you're using competitive keywords, and you'll need to spend time finding the right keywords before starting your ad campaign.

Choosing the Right Approach

The right approach is the one that works for you and your book. In that sense there's not necessarily any specific or technical right or wrong to the path you choose, because either type of ad can be effective. You may even want to use both types of ads, depending on your book's subject matter and your overarching goals for your ad campaign. To decide on search or display ads, or a combination strategy, you'll want to start by looking at those campaign goals.

Consider your book's genre, the target audience, the desired outcome, and your budget. Those four factors all matter, and you need to make sure you're prioritizing them properly to get the most from your ads. If you want people to buy your book, for example, you'll need a different approach than if you're trying to raise brand awareness. Whether you only choose one type or combine search and display ads, there are strategy options that can meet your needs.

When to Use Specific Ad Types

Knowing when to use a specific ad type matters. If customers are already searching for your brand or book, for example, you may want to provide search ads they can click on. However, if they aren't searching for you or terms related to your book, display ads can help increase brand awareness as your potential reader base visits other sites. In short, consider search ads when you know what your audience is looking for, and display ads to raise overall awareness for increased readership.

Search ads aren't going to give you the success you're looking for if your target audience isn't searching for terms and ideas related to your book's contents. Any ads that do show up from searches are likely to miss the mark, and you can end up spending on a campaign that doesn't help you get more people interested in what you have to offer. Not only is that frustrating, but it may affect your ability to place additional ads that are needed to get readers engaged.

Display ads aren't going to be effective if your intended audience isn't visiting the kinds of sites where you could logically place ads for your book. Any ads you place may go unnoticed, or they could have a low click-through rate that isn't going to increase your sales. Of course, the budget you have for your ads is a big part of the equation here, as a larger budget means you can take more chances with ads and absorb the cost if they're not as successful as you'd hoped.

Understanding Google Ads Offers Increased Success

The bottom line is that Google Ads can be extremely valuable in getting potential readers interested in what you have to offer. Whether they're already looking for books like yours, searching for terms related to your book's content, or don't yet have any awareness of your brand, you can use the right kinds of ads to make an impact. Don't settle for anything less when Google Ads can be just what you need to build a stronger brand and increase your book's sales.

While learning about the ad types and deciding how to create your campaign can feel daunting, it really doesn't have to be. You can work with professionals who can provide keyword research, copywriting for your ads, and more, so you don't have to handle everything yourself. Then, you can give your book the very best chance at success and work on building up a reader base and brand awareness that will propel your current book and your future projects forward.

Paid Advertising: Google Ads Explained
Ingram Associate

Ingram Associate

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