CoreSource Distribution: It’s Not Just About the Retailers

August 10, 2016
Ingram Staff
CoreSource Distribution: It’s Not Just About the Retailers

CoreSource has now grown the number of available distribution channels past the 400 mark, and while the vast majority of our file and metadata distributions are to print and digital retailers, CoreSource has – somewhat quietly we’ll admit – been expanding its distributions to other business partners as well.

For a number of years we have engaged with organizations that use files or metadata for purposes other than sales, but it isn’t always recognized by our publishers. Here are a few examples:

Bookshare – a US group that makes books available to people with visual, physical, and learning disabilities. CoreSource pushes content and metadata to Bookshare to convert to their DAISY format for widespread access.

British Library, Royal Dutch Library and National Library of Germany – each of these national institutions has a legal deposit program through which they select publishers that can then submit their titles digitally. We’re working with all of these – and looking to expand to other, similar institutions – to automate deposit and reduce costs for publishers.

CLOCKSS, which describes itself as “a not-for-profit joint venture between the world’s leading academic publishers and research libraries whose mission is to build a sustainable, geographically distributed dark archive with which to ensure the long-term survival of Web-based scholarly publications for the benefit of the greater global research community.”

Edelweiss (AKA Above The Treeline), taking metadata from CoreSource to build publisher catalogues

MarkMonitorcoming soon, MarkMonitor is a piracy detection service that helps publishers to detect their pirated content.

RoyaltyShare – takes in book metadata to allow it to accurately report sales data back to publishers.

We want you to maximize your use of the CoreSource platform, so take a look at these and other distribution channels that Coresource provides – from what we’ve seen there’s a good chance that your organisation partners with one of these. It costs you nothing extra to engage with new channels, so contact your Content Ops representative or drop a line to our customer service team.

And we love to get suggestions from you – if there’s another channel that we could help to set up then let us know. If you’re thinking about it then the chances are that someone else could be too!

CoreSource Distribution: It’s Not Just About the Retailers
Ingram Staff

Ingram Staff

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