Publishing success starts early in the process, and we have tools to help every step of the way.
Finding the perfect print run and managing inventory takes time and comes with risk. Print on demand provides the ability to reduce risk and increase reach, and fit into any publisher’s workflow.
Take advantage of our guaranteed availability program (GAP) to reduce sales gaps while managing your print and warehouse needs.
Minimize risk and warehouse needs by using shorter print runs that can be fulfilled as often as needed and drop-shipped anywhere in the world.
Take full advantage of print on demand and use virtual inventory. Your titles will always be available and can print closer to customers.
Having what customers want, when they want it, is a key strategy for being prepared. Whether readers are looking for an ebook, hardcover, or audiobook, consumers will purchase their favorite format or what’s immediately available.
We’re a single source for managing all book formats from ebook to print or audio
Programs and tools to easily convert your titles and set up new formats
Direct distribution channels around the world for every format
Manage all your digital assets, metadata, and direct distributions, with our CoreSource platform, to ensure your content is up-to-date, available, and optimized before your titles go to market.
Whether it’s ebooks, print, or audiobooks we provide flexibility to store, manage and distribute all your files and metadata.
Configurable to meet your business needs with the option for manual or automated control – or use some of both.
Real-time views for troubleshooting supply chain, managing day-to-day workflows, and optimizing your content’s performance.
Strong metadata makes your book more discoverable in crowded marketplaces. Well-crafted categories, keywords, descriptions, and subject tags help search engines and retailers connect your story with readers searching for their next great read.
Who needs a review? As any reviewer will be happy to tell you, likely at length, book reviews matter to a variety of audiences.
Read Now Online piracy cost book publishers millions of dollars per year. What's even worse... it's not preventable. However, there are a few ways to combat the...
Read Now Part 1 of a 2-part series on the key global trends affecting book production and distribution, and how publishers have responded.
Read Now Whether you’re looking for warehouse space, thinking of moving lower volume titles out of your warehouse, shipping to specific markets, outsourcing your entire supply chain, or making a complete shift to a virtual inventory we’re ready to help.
Learn More Dozens of warehouses, print facilities, and partners offering one of the largest global distribution networks available in the market. Plus, all the tools and solutions you need to manage your business.
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