Book Marketing

Book Marketing Tools & Insights that Matter

Having the right tools to understand and reach readers based on where and how they search for books is key to making a difference in publishing success.

Knowing Your Audience Just Got Easier

Our Consumer Marketing Services provide you with direct access to customized consumer and reader audience data that can only be found through Ingram. Our real time consumer marketing recommendations, Verified Readers, and a team dedicated to consumer insights will connect you with readers around the world!

data points

Navigate the world of digital advertising with access to millions of Verified Readers looking for their next book

book insights

Prioritize recommended actions to uncover high-value opportunities with retailers

book visibility

More Visibility in More Markets

Using Print-on-Demand to set up your titles in all our markets is one of the best ways to help get more visibility. And a key to good marketing is all about getting more eyes on your content.

Availability through the largest independent and online book retailers around the world

Improve inventory control and ensure your catalog is always in-print

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Promote to Bookstores and Libraries

With a strong network of bookstores and libraries, having the opportunity to get your titles in front of those buyers is an important part of a complete book marketing plan.

Print and digital opportunities reaching thousands of accounts

A wide range of options for any budget

libraries and bookstores
book visibility

Access Decades of Marketing Expertise

With a customized plan and dedicated point person through our Marketing Advantage program - you'll see greater sales opportunities.

Availability through the largest independent and online book retailers around the world

Improve inventory control and ensure your catalog is always in-print

Work with a dedicated team of book marketers whose efforts have put titles on the NYT Bestsellers list

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